Apex Legends

Steam Description:

Apex Legends is the award-winning, free-to-play Hero Shooter from Respawn Entertainment. Master an ever-growing roster of legendary characters with powerful abilities, and experience strategic squad play and innovative gameplay in the next evolution of Hero Shooter and Battle Royale.

Episode Summary:

Apex Legends: A Fun and Free Battle Royale Game

The hosts discuss their love for Apex Legends, a free-to-play Battle Royale shooter with unique characters and abilities. They share their experiences and how the game improved upon previous Battle Royale games. They also discuss the game's ping system and the ability to communicate without headsets.

Apex Legends Review

The discussion covers a range of topics related to Apex Legends, including the gameplay mechanics, favorite characters, funny moments, and user reviews. The reviewers express their preferences for certain characters, discuss the humor and personality of the game's characters, share funny moments and strategies, and touch on the zone mechanics and transportation options. They also mention their preferred playstyles and discuss different reviews of the game, highlighting some negative opinions.

Apex Legends Metacritic User Score and Game Review

The hosts discuss their predictions for the Metacritic user score of Apex Legends, with one host predicting a high score due to the game's popularity and another predicting a low score due to the reputation of EA. They then debate whether they would make love, marry, or murder the game, with one host wanting to marry the game due to its fun and addictive gameplay, another wanting to make love to it sporadically, and another not being as committed to the game. Finally, they discuss where they would rank Apex Legends on their leaderboard, with two hosts placing it at the top and one placing it at the bottom.

Key Points Covered

1. Apex Legends: A Fun and Free Battle Royale Game

2. Apex Legends Review

3. Apex Legends Metacritic User Score and Game Review

Make Love, Marry, or Murder Ratings:

Paul - Marry

Josh - Marry

Todd - Make Love




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