The #1 Podcast for Gaming!

The Video Gamers Podcast started in 2020 with the goal of providing casual, light-hearted, and funny conversations about gaming. Our episodes are family-friendly and free of politics and explicit content. Make sure to tune in for our episodes every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!

Check Out our latest episode!

The Hosts




Indie Game Dev AMA w/Jack Bennett (Tails of Iron/Oddbug Studio)

Jack Bennett (Lead Designer on Tails of Iron 2 and Co-Founder of @oddbugstudio ​) sat down with Video Gamers Podcast and answered our questions! Everything from dealing with glitches in games, to building fun into a game, and even weighing in on crunchy vs. chewy cookies (there's only one correct answer), Jack has been an incredible guest on our show.